Thursday 17 January 2013


Finally I have a chance to post this blog! I have been wanting to post it since before Christmas but haven't had a chance.So I am sorry for the late post on this but hopefully it will help others out for next year :)

So the picture below is of my Christmas centerpiece this year for our family dinner that we hosted. I wanted to do something creative and different so I of course called upon pinterest and my DIY skills and created the centerpiece below!
Below this picture is a short tutorial of how to create the "snow vases"...They are so simple and turned out great! - ENJOY!

STEP #1: Start with a clear glass vase, any size.

STEP #2: Take an old cookie sheet and line it with foil, or you can use a large plastic container. Then pour a thin layer of epsom salts over the foil. I bought a large bottle at 
Wal-Mart for around $4.

STEP #3: Spray the vase with a spray adhesive, make sure you get one that dries clear. I got Alene's spray glue. It worked really well just beware that when you get it on your hands it is almost impossible to get off. I sprayed the vase in sections because it dries really fast.

STEP #4: There are two ways to do this, I started out rolling the vase in the epsom salts which works great if you can do it fast enough before the glue dries. I however found that holding the vase over the try and spreading the epsom salts over the vase in sections with my other hand worked best for me. 

STEP #5: Repeat steps three and four. You will need to re-spray the vase with glue and put another layer of epsom salts on in order for it not to look "patchy".

STEP #6: Let it dry for a half hour and voila! Finished snow vase!

I also did a few vases with just the bottoms in the "snow" but forgot to take step by step photos. All you do is tape around the section that you want to have the epsom salts covering the vase ( I used painters tape), trying to make sure that it is as even as possible. Then what I did was tape tissue paper on the rest of the vase so that I didn't get the spray glue on it. Then repeated the steps above.
The image below is what the finished vase looked like. 
TIP- make sure that you pull the tape off the vase ASAP before the glue dries too much, otherwise it will pull the epsom salts off with it.

Add some candles, vase decor and "glittery" things and your centerpiece is done!

-Amanda :)